Fascination Circa Samsung Quick Share

Fascination Circa Samsung Quick Share

Blog Article

Esitazione invece sei tu ad desiderare proveniente da ricevere un file, sullo schermo apparirà una notifica Verso informarti.

Para receber arquivos de outros aparelhos próximos, a tela do seu aparelho deve estar ativada e as configurações Quem pode compartilhar com você risposta negativa Quick Share devem ser definidas como Apenas contatos ou Qualquer pessoa próxima.

Keep important files secure, even after you’ve shared them. With Private sharing, you can set an expiration time and date on files. You can also prevent recipients from screenshotting, saving and resending files.4

Si può avviare Quick Share fino in un alieno mezzo passando dalle Impostazioni del telefono e Attraverso farlo ti basta procedere questi passaggi:

I dispositivi mobili contano su diverse funzioni il quale i rendono oggetti continuamente più indispensabili nel nostro uso Normale, dalla esame tra video alla possibilità che spartire file dal nostro smartphone.

” Naprave, prijavljene v isti Samsung Account, lahko kadarkoli sprejmejo datoteke drug od drugega, ne glede na nastavitve "Kdo lahko deli z vami“.

Πατήστε για μία ή περισσότερες ταυτόχρονα και η κοινή χρήση αρχείων θα ξεκινήσει αυτόματα.

The link will expire after two days. Sender's device requires a Samsung account, and both sender and receiver devices require Internet connection.

Quick Share membuat berbagi file menjadi mudah dan cepat tidak hanya dengan perangkat terdekat, tetapi juga antara perangkat yang jauh. Perangkat ini dapat digunakan dengan berbagai perangkat — ponsel dan tablet Samsung, serta PC dari Samsung maupun produsen lain.

Ανάλογα με τον κατασκευαστή και το μοντέλο, ενδέχεται να υπάρχουν περιορισμοί σε ορισμένες ή σε όλες τις λειτουργίες αυτής της υπηρεσίας.

Set the expiration date The default expiration is set for 2 days, after which the recipient cannot open the shared file. You can set the expiration date to a maximum of 7 days.

You can check the Android version on your device's Settings app. Learn how to check and update your Android device Con our help center.

” However, altre informazioni devices logged into the same Samsung account can receive files from each other at any time, regardless of the "Who can share with you" settings.

If someone Con your family wants to switch from Samsung to another one of the best Android phones, like a Google Pixel 8, you can still share with each other.

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